Sunday, December 9, 2012

december therapy.

entering the second week of December gets me all excited and giddy.
especially this year is the first time i celebrate Christmas together with my whole family (after coming back from Melbourne)... and my sister who studies in Malaysia came back to spend the holiday too! so i feel really complete and content, surrounded by all the loved ones. :D
almost all plans to celebrate Christmas and NYE are already set, can't wait for the execution!

December really brings back my mood. i suddenly feel hyped, like all the problems had disappeared or put into some other places.
it's like a therapy that works like magic!

hopefully i can keep the spirit and positivity up right until this year ends...or, even better, if it continues to the next next years!

how about you lovelies? how's your holiday been? :)

jacket: Dotti, floral shirt: Logo, green mustard shorts: Zara (very old), boots: Novo

Friday, November 30, 2012


woohoo.. best time of the year has finally come! :D
december = christmas = holiday = good times!!!

crazy how fast the time flies.. and suddenly here we are at the end of 2012.
i'm honestly excited to finally close this for this whole year has been really really weird for me.
been doing seriously nothing! being a serious lazy bum, but yet keep getting everything (which i don't really deserve actually..oops).
now it makes me curious... i personally sense myself gonna have to work my ass like crazy next year, to pay off what i did this year (which is nothing.). ooo..i am in so much debt.
can't wait to welcome 2013, i've been wanting so much to get outta this guilty pleasure torture!
what could be worse than feeling guilty inside but secretly enjoying it so much..and going on and on and on >,<

for me nothing is better than having a balanced life.
so, i better prepare myself...getting ready to balance it off at 2013! ha! :P

oh God, please lead me through...

btw, these photos were taken on my 8th anniversary day with my bf.
major thanks to God for keeping us accommodated in everything we do :)

mine | collared top: from Thailand, grey knit outer: Esprit (old), black long skirt: JayJays
his | print jumper & white shirt:, jeans: Nudie, sneakers: Onitsuka Tiger

Tuesday, November 13, 2012


mmm..okay. it's been awkwardly a month since my last post.
didn't mean to abandon this little personal-fashion space that i had created out of boredom since several months ago.
but the activities with the photography project that i and my bf have been doing, has been consuming most of our time..which means good actually.
it has just started for around 3 months, so we both need to give our 100% into this project.
and the absolute consequence for me is that i couldn't leisurely blog like before.. :(
and also, i've been spending too much time editing photos on the computer, so whenever i got free time, i wouldn't touch the computer...hence no blogging for a while.

though i'm a girl, i am clearly not a multitask person. it drives me crazy.. oh no. *facepalm*

but since the photography project has been making a great progress (yay!), i guess i should could spare some time to do some outfit post in each month.

and btw, if you wanna see some of our random photo-project, check it out at Facebook: fire, wood & earth photography.
please show some support by liking the page if you guys can ;)

and follow us on instagram: @firewoodandearth.
my personal instagram: @by_agnes.

blue knit sweater: Stradivarius, leather jacket: JayJays, leather tights:, black lasercut heels: Alberto Piazza, wool beanie: unbranded, black cylinder bag: unbranded, gold necklace: unbranded.

Saturday, September 22, 2012


one of my favorite things to do is exploring and finding new things.
but what a shame that in this age, i feel like i haven't explored much..i don't know why i somehow always get stuck with other boring things and stuff to do.
i remember one day when i was still in melbourne, i did one random thing with my friend.
we drove to a beach at 4am. midnight picnic witnessing the dark sky turning bright, took blurry random photos, played with his dog til she got completely tired and drove back to the city at 8am and i skipped class.
it probably sounds silly for some of you, but to me it was instantly the best day ever!
i love how some unplanned things could turn out to be able to create the best memories in our life.
i need more of those..desperately.
the world is so big but i am stuck in the busy-boring city life. well..there's always a huge gap between what we WANT to do and what we HAVE to do, isn't it?
but seriously, i think i am going to do those type of 'unplanned' things again for my happiness sake.. uh oh, it doesn't sound like unplanned anymore doesn't it? lol..
oh well..i'm sure you get what i mean :D

silver tribal necklace: unbranded, white top: Supre, flat-studded pants: unbranded, tan wedges: Rubi

please like and follow my photography pages:
on facebook fire, wood &earth
on instagram@firewoodandearth

please follow my personal instagram@by_agnes

your supports would mean so much to me, lovelies.. =)

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Sunshine Award

another one! Sunshine Award!
we love awards, don't we? ;)

It is a prize that is awarded to bloggers who positively and creatively inspire others in the blogoshpere.

huge thanks to Vera Cortez from Fashion Mode who nominated me for this award! please check out her blog, she has great style! i love it.
this time is more straightforward since the questions are already prepared :D

The Rules:
1) Include the award logo in a post or on your blog page
2) Answer 10 questions about yourself. (these are bellow)
3) Nominate 10-12 other fabulous bloggers.
4) Link your nominees to this post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The Questions:
1. What would you most like to change about yourself?
~ i wish to be a more caring person.

2. What is your song?
~ "Good Enough" by Lifehouse.

3. One part of your life memory, action, etc. that you wish you could surgically remove from your brain?
~ hmm..nothing actually. quite thankful with what i've been through =)

4. What generation do you wish you had be a part of?
~ i'm happy with my generation. 90s :)

5. What was your favorite childhood toy?
~ Barbie hahaha..

6. What's your favorite housecleaning chore?
~ laundry. easy :P

7. Do you Tweet?
~ yep. sometimes.

8. Any goals?
~ at the moment, to run something related to photography.

9. Do you really drink margaritas all the time?
~ lol, noooo..

10. What is the ugliest car you've ever driven and were embarrassed to be seen in?
~ i've always driven one type of car and never got embarrassed whatsoever.

My Nominees:

share the loveeee :)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

i found Noah.

for those of you from Melbourne, it's not a secret anymore that a good coffee is extremely necessary to start the day...and it's just not for few people, but all the people in Melbourne are addicted to coffee.
it's become a strong culture that made Melbourne as a home for world-class baristas.
living for about 4 years in Melbourne, of course made me one of those coffee addict as well..
going for brunch to have lovely meals and to sip good coffees had been my favorite thing to do while i had day-offs.
the fact that now i'm living in an asian country, in which coffee is not a culture, is quite hard for me.
everytime i go to cafes or the so-called "coffee" places here, i always get not many of them don't really know what a good coffee should be. (or maybe just because i'm already brainwashed by Melb's coffee culture? i don't know, hehe..)

now, have you ever heard the saying "people often look for loves to places that are far away, while the real love is usually very close to you" ?
this is what happened to me! lol..
i finally found a cafe which serves real coffees here..even better, it's only a few steps away from my house!
gosh, can you imagine how random it is? and how happy this has made me? haha..

it's called Noah's Barn Coffeenery.
located  on: Jl. Laks. M. U. Nurtanio (Garuda) No. 39. Bandung 40184, Indonesia.

follow their twitter: @noahsbarn and facebook page:
also, as if it's meant to be, the cafe is really Melbournian style. one of the owner is actually a friend of my friend (so we're roughly in the same age) who studied in Melbourne as well...but we never met and knew each other in Melb.
the friendliness of the owners really make extra points!

you guys (especially who live in Bandung) should definitely try this place ;)


and one more thing, they also do cute latte-arts :)


patterned knit jumper: Tancha Knit, dark green pants: H&M, mary-jane shoes:, accessories: assorted, bag: vintage.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Versatile Blogger Award!

look what i've found when i searched through the comments on my blog!
another award? i am a super happy girl :)
thank you so much to Joelle Regh from My Passion is Fashion who have chosen this blog as one of the winners. i truly appreciate it..

Definition of the Versatile Blogger Award:

A mutual admiration society where bloggers recognize their peers for writing quality blogs that touched them in some way. The VBAs honor the blogger rather than specific posts. It’s a chance for bloggers to pat themselves on the back like the American Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences does with the Oscars. Until someone starts giving out Blogscars, the VBAs will have to suffice.

Here are the rules when selected for the Versatile Blogger Award:

- Thank the person who gave you this award. That’s common courtesy.
- Include a link to their blog. That’s also common courtesy.
- Next, select 15 blogs/bloggers that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly. (blogging for less than 2 years)
- Nominate those 15 bloggers for the Versatile Blogger Award.
- Finally, tell the person who nominated you 7 things about yourself.

and...another 7 random things about myself:
1. before i die, i have to see Adele, The Script, Lifehouse and Foster The People (!!!)
2. i was one of straight As students back in school who is fed up of books and now doesn't like those 'book-smart' people but prefer 'street-smart' people instead...and that's exactly why i didn't continue to a proper degree in education.. and i think it's one of the best decisions i've ever made :)
3. weird - i often dream about (male) celebrities *blushes*, i swear i'm not a perv! =,=
5. i am a lousy (alco) drinker. 2 shots and i'm done (ugh!)
6. i can sing and dance..pretty well :) (or at least i think so..hehe)
7. i am now in the process of making one of my dreams come true. it should be settled soon, hopefully! :) i'll definitely make a post about it. :)

my 15 nominees are (in no particular order):


Thursday, August 23, 2012

Liebster Award(s) :)

okay, for a new blogger like me, receiving a blogger award is definitely an excitement.
but to receive TWO in a row (!!), absolutely made my whole week seems brighter! :D
especially when i got this fun Liebster Award from one of the bloggers that i adore, Cassandra from BACKTOFIVE, and a talented girl Nicol from Lavidadenicol.
please visit both of their pages! they have really lovely blogs ^,^
i am so thankful for these awards..really appreciate it :)


this award has to be passed on to other new bloggers who have under 200 followers.
so, to receive this award, here's the rules:
1. When you get this award, thank the person who gave you this award and post a link to his/her blog in your post
2. Then you (as the receiver of the award) must post 11 things about yourself
3. Answer the 11 questions the tagger has set for you
4. Choose 11 inspiring bloggers, link their pages in your post, and create 11 questions for them to answer.
5. Go to their pages and tell them
6. Remember, no tag backs!

lets get started..

:: 11 things about myself ::

1. I love natures (trees and beaches amaze me)
2. I get cranky when i'm hungry :P
3. My MOST favorite actor is James Franco, not just because he's hot and a great actor, but also mainly because he's smart!
4. I get annoyed when people sing out of tune, lol
5. I make pretty good coffee ;)
6. I don't know why, but i am never attracted to learn Mandarin
7. I change my outfit style really often
8. I like anything random and spontaneous
9. I cry easily everytime i see sad movies
10. My kind of flower is rose
11. I am a big fan of indie outfit brands and music bands

:: 11 questions from Cassandra ::

1. Do you believe that zodiacal signs have an influence upon your behaviour? Why?
 ~ not entirely. i think people's behaviour are mostly shaped through experiences and influences from the surrounding and many other factors.

2. What colour do you like and why?
~ maroon. someone said it kind of resembles my character.

3. Shopaholic/ workaholic. Which one are you?
~ shopaholic at the moment, because i'm unemployed, lol..

4. What is your biggest goal in life? Career or family?
~ used to be career, but now i shifted to family.

5. What did you dreamt of being when you were a child?
~ a singer & dancer, haha..

6. Your favorite healthy food is...? What is so special about it?
~ oatmeal. easy to make :)

7. If you would have to choose between make-up and hair, what would it be?
~ hair.

8. What was the best gift that you received? And I mean material stuff, not love, friendship ,etc
~ a little music box from my bf for my birthday around 3 years ago. it is definitely not expensive, but i love it cause it's simple and honest. so meaningful..

9.  Do you prefer to : cook/do laundry/sweep/iron clothes? You have to choose only one, the rest will be done by your imaginary flat roomies :))
~ laundry.

10. Imagine your life without internet. How would you feel?
~ depressed at first, but i would adjust eventually :D

11. Cats or dogs??
~ definitely dogs

:: 11 questions from Nicol ::

1. Which is your favourite season?
~ i'd have to say summer. but not when it's 40 degrees though xP

2. Your favourite perfume?
~ right now, Chance Eau Tendre from Chanel .

3. Do you practice sport? How many times in a week and what kind of sport?
~ lol, an embarrassing question for me. just started recently, once a week (i know, it can't be considered regularly, lol..but you know, at least it starts from somewhere xP)

4. Which is your all time favourites movie and why?
~ 500 Days of Summer. well, because i love Joseph Gordon Levitt and Zoey Deschanel, and the story is really adorable. i can watch it again and again.

5. Inside your closet, What garment you will never remove from it and why?
~ my self designed prom dress. because it brings back the memories of highschool :)

6. What do you think about heels? Can you use them in a normal day?
~ heels can boost your confidence. i can use them in normal day, but obviously not the whole day, need to take a break :D

7. Your favourite top model?

8. Who is the person that you most admire and why?
~ Victoria Beckham.. she's such a super woman. and everyone knows why ;)

9. Who is your platonic love?
~ a friend in melbourne.

10. Do you prefer cat or dog? what breed?
~ dogs. hmm..if i were to choose, i think yorkshire.

11. Your favourite place?
~ anything outdoors. beach or mountain or forests.

now to be fair, since i got 2 awards, i would nominate 22 lovely bloggers to receive this award.
the nominees are (in no particular order):

now i have 11 questions each for you all to answer and don't forget to continue the joy of Liebster Award to other bloggers :)

1. What is your favorite music genre?
2. Lets say you had a plane crash accident and were stranded on a remote island and noone else survived except you and the person you hate, do you prefer to go by yourself or make friend with the person that you hate? and why?
3. Which chick flick movie do you like the most?
4. Choose one: shoes, bags, clothes or accessories?
5. If you could be another person for one day, who would it be?
6. Brain or beauty? and why?
7. What do you think of same sex marriage?
8. What is one thing that you regret the most in your life?
9. What is one first physical thing in a guy that attracts you the most? (face, body, hair, etc etc..)
10. Who is your celebrity crush?
11. Coffee or ice cream?